Module 6

Module 6

Dashboard, battery, gear knob, seats and carpets

16th January 2006

Sorry about the delays was rebuilding the server, it’s like plumbers they always have a leaky tap at home…and never get round to fixing it!Anyway HAPPY NEW year!!!quick jump back into time.

27th December 2005

Louise helped build the dashboard up, although I was missing one of the bulbs for one of the instruments, I collected a spare from Westfield. I appeared to be missing the hazard warning switch but when I questioned Westfield they told me to check the loom, and there it was! 

30th December 2005

Adjusted the top panels to fit the gear knob and cut the second hole for the ecu. 

7th January 2006

was passing Westfield and I thought I would collect the missing bits which where:-1) Battery
2) Hazard light button
3) Gear knobanyway, the battery was fine, the hazard warning light was already on the loom, and the gear knob is still out of stock. 

10th January 2006

This project is a year old as I have just renewed the car insurance with Footman James as a laid up car the premium for the year was £106, which I didn’t think was bad for half the price…. hope to have the car on full insurance soon. Over Christmas my wife Louise and I had a bet which involves getting the car finished and fired up for valentines day or the looser pays for the night out. I’m running a little behind schedule so I think I will be paying!!! 

SVA Form

the SVA form can be downloaded from the VOSA (the old DoT) website, here if the link that I have just downloaded Application for Ministers Approval Certificate for Vehicles (SVA 1)                          

18th February 2006

I fitted the rear lights, I snipped the ford ends of the lights drilled the holes and mounted the lights.I drilled a second hole in the top cover and then hack sawed the cover into two to allow the loom to fit better.
20th February 2006
I had some parts that I couldn’t identify where they should go. these are replacements for the Ford standard ones.I couldn’t find any pictures on the internet or the manual to see where my ECU should be mounted. below is the response from Westfield”The ECU is fitted to the underside of the scuttle, there’s no need to fit an ECU mounting plate with this type of ECU. It is basically fitted above the drivers knees picking up from the upper header tank mounting bolt, where the bolt passes through the scuttle on the underside of the scuttle it passes through the ECU bracket and then the mounting hole on the opposite side of the ECU bracket is bolted through the scuttle.”I also has a bit of a query on the position of the wiper motorThe wiper motor fits on the underside of the scuttle on the passenger side, the wiper tube pointing upwards then bends through 90 degrees and to the wiper boxes fitted.Try to make the bend a smooth arc and bend the tube with the wiper spring drive inside the tube.The battery should be fitted to the front of the vehicle not the scuttle, photo’s have been supplied by Mark.

4th March -1°C 2006

Tried to fit the battery tray but the brake line has got in the way!

6th March 2006

The problems have got a little worse, the Zetec throttle body engine has it’s brake lines come out through the body work not on the bracket…. going to speak to mark tomorrow

3rd April 2006

Too cold!!!! emptied the brake fluid and moved the brakes away from the battery tray and hope to fir the battery tray tonight.

8th April 2006

I have now removed the brakes that was easier than I had hoped, the problem was the bloody rivnuts. I have found the force required to pull them into is amazing… I had a look at an alternative way of rivnutting; have a look at this guys tool (not in that way!!!) as he uses spanners to get the force required I have not tried it but it shows you that there is more than on way to crack a nut. tray is now in place but looking at the photos supplied by Westfield I need to rivet the back aluminium section to the tray.Progress is going slow because of cold weather and my new born baby…. I’m still enjoying the project and looking forward to summer!!

1st May 2006

I fitted the nose cone onto the car… the instructions are wrong again!!!! it’s a 6mm screwset not a 8mm hole that needs to be drilled through the flange.Seat are now in positions and loose fitted the dash board!!!! we have a car!!!!I am currently organising the garden to be raised to allow the car onto the road.

12th May 2006

I got loads done……
  • fitted the seat belts, these only extend when they are mounted in the correct position otherwise the belt will not unwind.
  • Fitted the hand brake switch… had to purchase two m4x 10 screw sets that screwed in around the hand brake leaver.


19th May 2006

I made a template to work out where to drill the exhaust port.

24th May 2006

Ran scared of doing the drilling into the body work, changed my mind fitted the carpets and loose fitted the seat belts… the manual doesn’t seem to clear here but I think I’ve manage to plough my way through it.

26th May 2006

fitted the cover over the gear know struggled to get it flat so i cut the lower moulding off and it was able to sit flat on the tunnel. 4 rivets later.. job done! moving onto the handbrake next….

5th June 2006

looked at fitting the handbrake cover…. missing the metal cove so phoned up Westfield and the parts are being sent over.

24th June 2006

I think the postman is getting lazy parts only just arrived with 3 other parcels I have been waiting for, (NOT WESTFIELD’S FAULT) any way fitted the hand brake lever cover and then placed the carpet over the top, a very tight squeeze…..

I have called in a gardener to level the driveway so next week the car should be able to see the sun shine!!!

3rd July 2006

Peter the gardener has started to build the driveway….. and i have finally drilled into the body work and I have the exhaust port cut… the diagram from Westfield says the port should be cut from where the wish bone meets the bodywork. NOT WHERE THE WISHBONES MEETS CHASSIS! I thought that the measurement that Westfield gave are a bit too large and next time i would cut a smaller hole.


29th July 2006

Over the past few weeks I have been fitting the fixed brake lines. although i have hit a problem that the new position of the brake line means the fixed line supplied by Westfield are too short…. i am now having to source some new brake lines to finish the project.


1st August 2006

Found a supplier of brake lines….. my uncles garage DJ Auto Centre, Manchester they redo MOT failures brake line in copper!!! Copper is much easier to bend to get round corners new lines in and it took 10 minutes. Advice – Do brake lines in copper!!!!

9th August 2006

fitted the windscreen – Mark Walker advised doing it the reverse of the manual which is to set the height of the windscreen using a measured poll and then place the windscreen in place bolt up and job done. (not sure about the wind screen filets – will check this out later)

23rd September 2006

Not a lot has been happening, the problem has been the electric lines, I think it’s easier if I show you a photo!

30th September 2006

tinned all the electrical connectors and terminated the ends!!! crimped the end on… had to drill the indicators for the indicator lamps.

15th October 2006

things have slowed down preparing for 1st birthday parties, after the helium floated away and the headache cleared i attached the number plate lights…. I’m planning to take some time off work and make a big push on the car!

21st October 2006

Things need to pick up I’m hopefully moving and i want to drive the car there! anyway for the passed week i have been soldering wires onto the duraclip ends and crimping then on

27th October 2006

took the day off work and spent the whole day in the garage. today I :-

  • fitted fog lights
  • fitted reverse lights
  • put bullet end on the number plate lamp
  • crimped end onto the fuel pump
  • loosely fitted the roll bar (which is on mentioned in one of the two build manuals i have…. i can supply a copy if you need it!)
  •  velcorced the rear finsher – it said double sided tape, but i think velcro would be better.
  • mounted the dashboard.
  • velcorded the crash pad down.

the problem was that the fog lights should be level with the indicators which made it very close to the filler cap.

November 2006

a complete and utter write off!!! the light is at the end of the tunnel, but I’m trying to sell my house! so house duty and not car, although this means that I will have to finish the car soon or I’ll have to hire a transporter, and I don’t want to do that!

December 15th 2006

booked a day off work, the aim is:-

  • Fit carpets.
  • Coolant
  • Wiring Loom
  • Windscreen Fillet

I’ll give an update at 12pm…. PS it’s freezing!!!

12:40 Update ***

  • Carpet is fitted but I had to:-
  • tighten all suspension bolts that will be hidden by the carpet.
  • Fitted seat belts
  • Fitted Drivers Seat, snapped the bolt on the passenger
  • Created a grommet for the ECU wiring loom.

Coolant not done… need to do wipers first.
Wiring loom 75% done
Windscreen fillet not done.

Very Pleased though.

December 21st 2006

fitted the chrome roll bar very fiddly but done… next is the front end!!

December 25th 2006


5th February 2007

Sorry about the delay in getting back…. nightmare moving house etc… anyway here is the update whilst I’ve been away!!

  • Drilled the bolt for the seats and fitted the seats!!!
  • Fitted the coolant in the car, had problems with the header tank position.
  • Rollbar tightened up.
  • Drilled the side repeaters and front repeaters.


Connected the pipe work up, no problems just fiddly.

wiring loom almost done problems with starter motor and sensors. will write up when i know what is what!

22nd April 2007

Garage now set up and today we had lights camera and no action. tested the electrics all went well have some outstanding issues.

1) Hand brake light
2) Reverse Light
3) Starting motor

May 2007

Things are slowing down; the big problem with the starter was that MUPPET boy; wired it wrong. it should be the big connector and the one at 90 degrees.

May 26th 2007

no voltage to the fuel pump; did some basic check but getting stuck, posted a message on WSCC; within 10 minutes help arrived.


MAY 28th 2007

thanks to Dan and Matt for putting the time in, we didn’t get the problem solved but we managed diagnosed the fault a little bit more

“Hi mark,

I got a couple of lads round from the club to have a look at my no power to the fuel pump…. here are the results of the testing.

Thing we definitely know

  • No power to inertia
  • No spark to the plugs
  • Relays Swapped
  • All fuses fine
  • Alternator is getting warm
  • Earths have been polished and redone.

Relay wiring
Black – earth
Green 12v – Permanent
Brown 12v -switched

ECU Cable
1 ………..7
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – – –
Off position – no outputs
position1 – no outputs
Posision2 – output 12v pin2

Things not certain about
Wiring between the ECU loom and the engine loom appear to be a little inconsistent (could you please check with Simons’ email to see if they are correct.)

Tried to talk to the ECU using easymap 4.XXX with 2 laptops unable to talk, (same cable, so could be cable)

Have you any suggestions?”

3rd June 2007

Whilst waiting for the ECU to be sent back fitted the wiper motor, but as someone advised me on the factory visit the wiper motor can be the wrong way round… so i had the change the CAM over, it was a very messy job!!!

30th June2007

I sent the ECU to Westfield, who have sent them to MBE. MBE say that there is no fault, but mark tells me this is there standard reply…. awaiting it to be sent back!

7th July 2007


21st July 2007

Charged up the battery Thursday and Friday, still only 11volts…. I reckon that is fucked; swap it out this morning.

23rd July… 1st September 2007

the fault on this was the wire into the fuse box was loose and therefore didn’t give voltage. ****I didn’t understand that the engine/ECU connector should be connected and a pin inserted into the back to test for voltage****

This then uncovered the next problem, the Jenvy fuel rail was leaking!!!

to replace the o rings.. remove the circlip the fast washer removed the dead o ring, bukd the component on the rail and then push the o ring and wash down!!! DO NOT PUNCH THE RAIL INTO THE PREASSEMBLED RAIL, AS THIS IS HOW I BELIEVE IT WAS FITTED FROM WESTFIELD.

A Big thanks to Martin for helping me with this one!!!!

I seem to be having problems with batteries so I’ll give an update later.

The job list so far:-

  • O rings on the fuel rail
  • Return Vavle cable Tie
  • Fuse Block
  • Coolant Air Lock
  • Windscreen Wiper Nut
  • Windscreen Sealant
  • Hand Brake Light
  • Bonnet Pins
  • Cycle Wings
  • Buff and Polish
  • Leaking Regulator

1st – September to 1st November

(thanks for the prompter Mark!!!) 2007

This couple of months has just been mad at work launching http:\\ so the car has taken a back seat; over the past few weekends I have managed to do the following jobs:-

  • Coolant Air Lock
  • Hand Brake Light
  • Bonnet Pins
  • Chair Fixings

These haven’t been technical jobs but just fiddly and time consuming.

I know make the job list:-

  • Bonnet Locks
  • Clean
  • Tunnel Carpet
  • Side Screens

1st November to 1st January 2008

Drilled the bonnet lock no worries here, car clean… so side screens and a smooth running engine needed!

BIG PROBLEMS the ECU is playing up the car is over fuelling and running extremely roughly… so much so the car is going back to Westfield on a trailer for them to finish!! :-<

14th January 2008

the car has been shipped to Westfield and now its fine, nothing mechanically or electrical…. is was the engine mapping!!!

28th January 2008

locks are in; tie wraps on…..

29th January 2008

SVA form sent off with the cheque for £158




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